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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Bedside Table Lamps

Bedside Lamps (2 pieces)
Very Unique Pieces
Origin : Reclaimed from deep woods of Kelantan, Malaysia
To be completed by 30th June 2014
Complete with 20cm lamp shade
RM990 per pair


  1. Thank you for sharing the information.

    These bedside design lamps are looking absolutely astonishing and excellent. Now a days, everyone is decorating their houses or offices with the help of different accessories like lamps, chandeliers etc. These lamps are giving a great ambient effect in the house or office as well as also helping to work peacefully.

    While researching on the internet, I came across an excellent website named Pego that is providing the service of lighting, home decor and designer chandelier with the most elite and high quality brands.

  2. This material is brilliant in the manner it very well may be formed and painted in addition to it is modest to create. Yet, you will presumably wind up discarding these lights at some point or another. The material is weak, empty, delicate and it chips and breaks without any problem. find more
